Information for Developers

Thanks for your interest in contributing to the project!

Source code repository

GitHub link

How to contribute code

The easiest and recommended way to contribute code is to follow GitHub’s usual pull request process. This will require a GitHub account.

  1. Fork the repository into your own account.

  2. Implement your changes on any branch.

  3. Make a pull request on the main repository. The base branch should be master.

A documentation preview link will automatically be edited into the pull request description. If you made any changes that could affect the documentation, you can follow the link to make sure things look as they should. You can also preview the documentation locally as described further down.

General information

  • The implementation of the library is the single file

  • The test suite is contained in test/ It uses the pytest framework.

  • The documentation text is contained in doc/ and uses Sphinx to generate the HTML pages from MyST Markdown sources. The API reference is autogenerated directly from docstrings.

  • Project metadata is managed through PDM in pyproject.toml. Developer workflow tooling is also configured there (more information below).

Contribution guidelines

  • Code style should follow PEP-8.

  • Best practice is for new features and bug fixes to be accompanied by unit tests.

  • Bug fixes are welcome.

  • New features are generally accepted if they are consistent with the design and philosophy of the project.

  • However, extensions to the PLY format itself are generally not accepted, unless they are already in widespread use in other PLY format libraries.

Development environment setup

The project implements a few workflow helper commands to simplify mundane activities like running tests, generating documentation, and linting. These are all implemented as PDM user scripts. You can check the pyproject.toml file to see exactly what they do.

Installing PDM

This project uses PDM to manage project metadata and development configurations. Thus, the first step is installing PDM using any of the listed methods. For example,

pip install pdm


pipx install pdm

Installing dependencies

From the project root,

pdm install

Common actions

The PDM user scripts below are defined in the pyproject.toml file, which should help you if want to know what each action exactly does.

Running tests


To run the test suite on one Python interpreter and one version of NumPy:

pdm run test-quick

More comprehensive

To run the full test matrix, skipping unavailable Python versions:

pdm run test-matrix

Test coverage will also be reported.


To run the full test matrix:

pdm run test-all

You must have all currently supported Python versions to run this successfully.

Generating documentation

pdm run doc

Open doc/build/index.html in any web browser to peruse the generated documentation.

Running the linter

pdm run lint

Generally speaking, there should be no violations reported for the code to be considered mergeable.